Sunday 7 November 2010


Went to a really nice exhibition the other day at Raven Row. The current exhibition Polytechnic is a collaboration of video, installation and slide works produced between the seventies and eighties by artists experimenting and trying to understand the different relationships of narrative. The works ranged from autobiographical accounts, TV, diaries, history, sexuality and murder. I found it a really interesting cinematic experience. Above are some stills that stood out more. Susan Hiller (2nd down) portrays 'monument' through an audio guide and a visual installation of victorian gravestones. Each slab gives a brief description of how they died, all of which died saving the lives of someone else. One slab read 'Strive to be your own hero'. I really liked this piece. The audio was captivating and I found myself sitting there for ages staring at the slabs in a trance. The other works below Hiller's are Catherine Elwes, Stuart Marshall and Ian Breakwell.

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