Sunday 7 November 2010

Chirs and Viv.

Sunday 10th October 2010- 3.17pm
Conversation with two homeless guys Chris and Viv sitting on the Church green.

Chirs I need to pee. where can I pee. I'm bushing it.
you like bruce sprinstein? Neil Young? did you go to Glastonburry?
Chris come with me to pee and watch for me
Cheers mate. You know Tony Wilson was a wanker. Joy Division? Don't get me started on Joy division. I havnt had enough alcohol yet, people like us don't normally wake up till 6pm, well I don't anyway. Us hackney people talk differently to Camden people. Hackney's a shithole.
Where are you from? Essex?
Yeah how did you know?
Just a guess. Cackles. What about you? Scottish? You got any Scottish in you?
Yeah I have actually
Scotland. Multicultural city. English are more racist than the Scottish. Everyones got money in Hackney.
Hackneys a shithole. Id rather live in Manchester than hackney.
I think your an orphan.
You wear orphan colours. Do you not ever think that your parents arn't your real parents?
No I've seen photos of my dad and he looks exactly like me when I was a child.Yyou know you should be in mental health, we need people like you.
All mental patients are short. have you noticed that?
It fucks you up. The chemicals. The workers drug our food with chemicals. Make you kill. You hears in your ear chop chop chop. The workers chop off peoples fingers.
Do you play drums?
Yeah I used to.
Does your dad play drums? He plays drums doesn't he.
No hes not that exciting i'm afraid.
You should be in a band. Call it OutCast city.
When your in the city your an outcast. When your in the rural your cosmopolitan. No not cosmopolitan you political. Political.
Joe Strummer was a good friend of mine. They planted a tree for him in Glastonbury.
You got the face of a footballer. you play footballer? You look like Steven Gerard. I fancy Steven Gerard. He's my Idol.

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