Wednesday 26 January 2011

Axonometric of London Wall Site - Unfinished

Meat Disaster

After having a play around with the meat and photoshop I decided to push the boat out and experiement in more depth with the idea of using mince. I built another sculpture, this time concentrating on how an audience would interact with the space, what it would do, how people would use it, the situation, the context, the users and elements.

First stage: Designing the shape (which was mostly on a trial and error basis)
Second Stage: Freezing the meat for several hours
Third Stage: Coating the model and a washing basin with vaseline (this was me using my initiative because I thought there might be a bit of an issue with the meat being difficult to peel away after)
Forth Stage: Pouring plaster mixture into the basin and letting it dry.

At stage four, it all started going down hill. Me being very impatient on the freezing process obviously didnt leave it in long enough, and also didnt comprehend the fact that when you pour a diluted mixture into the basin that the object will float up to the top. So it basically ended up with an upside down, melted, bloody (from the meat- not a word i'm using for my frustration), bowl of mess. Knowing full well it was a failure test run, i persevered and moved on to,

Stage five: Letting the plaster dry and pealing the meat away from the surface (which was surprisingly therapeutic)
Stage six: Coating the plaster mould with 2mm of latex

I did start to hair dry the mould to fasten up the process, but gone off burning meat started to seep through the air so I thought I should probably listen to the instructions and wait 12 hours until I 'demould' the fantastic work of art that I have produced!!

Site Proposal-Mince Meat

Continuing from our HomeKit devices, we were told to choose a site that we felt linked to our performance/device in some way. I was still keen on pursuing my London Wall site with the metal grid structure, however was uninspired over christmas on how to develop this idea to create a piece of furniture as a proposal. After brainstorming and feedback from tutors, I wanted to look into the idea of the juxtaposition of flesh and metal, and instead of the metal taking over the delicate fleshiness on my mouth, i wanted to alter this concept and reverse the roles.

I experimented with minced beef as my meaty fleshy material, and used my 1:20 site sketch model to show how it would work. I wasn't too keen on the idea at first, but the more I played around with it (which was actually LOADS of fun/messy and disgusting) I became more intrigued with the shapes and textures it created. Here are some photos of my first model I did. To be totally honest, it doesn't look that aesthetically pleasing, but i'm trying out this new way of working, if i have an idea just go with it, so that what i'm doing!

Friday 21 January 2011


Currently doing some short films for our University Elective. We have to make a one minute and three minute film focusing on Avant-Garde practices. I liked the idea of life and death as a theme within my work. The feeling when drowning, that everyone has felt when your head is being submerged under water and not being able to breath. It's a really simple film and it's not my best, but I was experimenting either way!

Sexuality is your imagination

Andy Warhol's 'Blow Job'. Avant-Garde practices, the element of mystery, lighting positioned, you cant see his eyes.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Jean Tinguely

This Swiss kinetic artist caught my eye after doing some research on our History and Theory project on Michael Landy. His childhood played a huge part in creating a story that would become a model for his work in the future. 1960 was the year where Tinguely was commissioned to produce work to be performed in the Sculpture Garden of the MOMA in New York. He there produced a self-destroying mechanism that was 27 minutes long, where the machine shuddered, shook and went into a mass flame of self-destruction. (bottom)

Saturday 8 January 2011

You know you've had a good night when you hear the birds singing.


Are you gonna change. Old House. is a love. Ambersuit is a love.

Saturday 1 January 2011


Drunk too much. Smoked too much.
Lost a lot. Gained a little.
Gave a lot, and learned some lessons.
Never put your heart on your sleeve,
Unless you know someones there to catch it.
You can laugh at the good times and cry at the sad ones.
And don't throw away opportunities because you think something better might be coming along.
Just follow your heart. There are no set paths.