Monday 17 May 2010

Performance Project Model Photos

Only 3 days left until our final portfolio hand-in. Today went to photograph my models at College. Some are my first sketch site models and the ones in the lighter card are my final site models and design. I'm not sure if it shows but the models took forever to make. I cut myself with the scalpel 5 times and superglued my hands and face even more. Im procrastinating loads by writing and posting on here, I am trying to avoid finishing off my technical drawings.

Monday 10 May 2010

Once you kill a cow...

Went away to Camber with Miss Peace. Saw an Antony Gormley exhibition at the De La Warr Pavilion. Amazing sculptures. I said entertaining, a man named Richard said sad.


Sunday 9 May 2010

Performance Project

This is some models of my water design in the viaducts of London Bridge

Saturday 8 May 2010

Words of Wisdom

I'm struggling with my technical drawings, so i asked my flatmate for some motivational words, he came out with "You have a vagina, Harness its power and forthwith it onto the page".


Thursday 6 May 2010

I am Love

I went to see the film 'I am Love' directed by Luca Guadagnino set in Milan. Although difficult to follow at first, it has some amazing cinematography. Passion and love turn the family's life upside down. The director plays close attention to details which are often disregarded in films. Because of the slow start you are kept in suspense and when the plot unfolds it becomes even more dramatic. If you can manage reading subtitles whilst watching a film (which I did struggle with) then you must see it!